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  _    _                   _______       _    _            
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	To use this 3D Modeler open the program and a new mesh with randomized 
heights will be generated. To create a new mesh use the spinner widgets to 
select the number of rows and cols in the new mesh and the width and depth of 
the mesh. Click on the "Generate Mesh" button to create the a new mesh with
the specified settings. You can also change the color of the mesh with the color
chooser. This will change the color of the current mesh and of any new meshes.
Note that the wire frame is always drawn as white.
	To change the viewing mode to wire-frame, solid, or both use the 
corresponding radio buttons in the "Viewing Mode" group. This will change how 
the mesh is drawn.
	Use the following controls to move the camera around the sphere it lies on:
		Rotate UP:       W
		Rotate LEFT:     A
		Rotate DOWN:     S
		Rotate RIGHT:    D
		Roll LEFT:       Q
		Roll RIGHT:      E
		Increase Radius: Ctrl
		Decrease Radius: Shift
Note that you may have to click off of any selected input boxes for these 
commands to register. Also, you may use the "Camera Align" group to move the 
camera to predefined positions on a sphere of radius 15.
	To edit the vertices height values in the mesh select a vertex and use the
height slider to change the selected vertex's height. To select a vertex you can
either click on a vertex in the GL window and it will select the nearest vertex 
within a pre-set radius of 0.5, or you can use the "row" and "col" spinners to 
select the specific vertex desired. Either method will allow you to select any
vertex on the mesh and after being selected an orange wire-frame square will 
appear around the vertex indicating that it is selected.
	The heights of the current mesh can also be randomized or flatten if 
desired. To do this use the corresponding buttons and slider to change the 
random height range. This will not create a new mesh but will instead change the
current mesh's height values.
Snow Caps:
	Use the "Snow Cap Height" slider to edit the height at which the vertices 
are drawn white. This can be used to simulate a mountain range with the 
fractalize button modifying the mesh to look more mountainous.

	To fractalize the mesh use the "fractalize iterations" slider to change the
number of iterations the fractalize algorithm runs. Click the "Fractalize Mesh"
button to run the algorithm the specified number of times.

	Similarly, use the "Smooth Iteration" slider and "Smooth Mesh" button to 
run the smoothing, Catmull-Clark Subdivision, algorithm on the mesh. This will
smooth out the mesh and create smooth curve-like structures.

	Lastly, to save the mesh to a OBJ file click on "File"->"Save". This will 
bring up a explore window for selecting the file location and name. Make sure to
add the extension ".obj" to the filename. Once done, click "OK" to save. The 
mesh will then be saved out to a OBJ file with a MTL file for the color of each 
face. This file can be imported to many different 3D modelling software 
including Autodesk's Maya and the open source MeshLab.